December Update

Hope this finds everyone safe, taking a break from e-learning and looking forward to closing the door on 2020.

We’ve received generous donations from several individuals and organizations who remain committed to our families. We also received a $40,000 donation from Pirates for Kids who have also been steadfast donors to the mission of the DSANWI for many years. Thanks to those who continue to provide financial support!

Construction on the space at 2167 US Highway 41 continues. Our thanks again to the Laborers Local 41 for the demo of the space and to the Plumbers Local 210 Apprenticeship program who relocated the plumbing and capping off the numerous gas and water locations. Concrete cutting was provided by Chicago Cut at a discounted rate. Thanks also to Jim Konradi from Konradi Concrete in Lowell for donating the concrete and labor. Titan Electric donated the manpower and supplies for temp lighting, relocating the ground and have installed all of the pipe and wire throughout in the new walls. They have also committed to providing the AV equipment throughout. The fixtures were all donated by Acuity Brands and the security cameras by the Business Office of Franciscan Alliance. Clune Construction generously donated the materials and the manpower to build the walls and will return for drywall installation after the plumbing is complete in the interior walls. Thanks to everyone who has jumped in and helped during what has been a difficult year for many businesses!

Many thanks to Joe Schultz, owner of Paulie’s Pub in South Chicago Heights and Bill Mahy who coordinated clearing the remaining cabinets, debris and prepping the ceiling for HVAC and electric. Joe is overseeing the donated labor to guide the project to completion. Both have committed to the bathroom and kitchen tile installation.

We are working to put together a calendar of virtual activities for the long winter months ahead.  We are also scheduling dates for some of our longtime favorite events in hopes that we will be able to gather in time for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt and others. If you have ideas or are interested in helping with events this year, feel free to reach out.

Our taxes for 2019 have been filed thanks to our treasurer, Chuck Lager. We have been careful stewards of the finances of the organization and remain committed to the NWI region.

We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and enjoys good health in 2021! To celebrate, we will be delivering Stone & Pallet Granite Snowman Projects on New Year’s Day to individuals with a user profile who sign up to receive one. Check out the events page to register once you have a profile!




March Update

Hope you are all well and looking forward to the new...

DSANWI Update: November 2, 2020

Families, Despite planning and offering several options for a live...